0x00 前言
gRPC 官方提供了基于 RoundRobin 轮询算法 的Picker实现。这篇文章简单分析下其源码,理解此过程,可以很轻易的实现自定义的负载均衡逻辑。前面文章已经介绍了 Balancer 和 Picker 的内部实现机制,本篇就在此基础上进行分析。官方给出的 Picker 接口实例化,整体逻辑比较直观,先贴下源码:
package roundrobin
import (
// Name is the name of round_robin balancer.
const Name = "round_robin"
// newBuilder creates a new roundrobin balancer builder.
func newBuilder() balancer.Builder {
return base.NewBalancerBuilderV2(Name, &rrPickerBuilder{}, base.Config{HealthCheck: true})
func init() {
type rrPickerBuilder struct{}
func (*rrPickerBuilder) Build(info base.PickerBuildInfo) balancer.V2Picker {
grpclog.Infof("roundrobinPicker: newPicker called with info: %v", info)
if len(info.ReadySCs) == 0 {
return base.NewErrPickerV2(balancer.ErrNoSubConnAvailable)
var scs []balancer.SubConn
for sc := range info.ReadySCs {
scs = append(scs, sc)
return &rrPicker{
subConns: scs,
// Start at a random index, as the same RR balancer rebuilds a new
// picker when SubConn states change, and we don't want to apply excess
// load to the first server in the list.
next: grpcrand.Intn(len(scs)),
type rrPicker struct {
// subConns is the snapshot of the roundrobin balancer when this picker was
// created. The slice is immutable. Each Get() will do a round robin
// selection from it and return the selected SubConn.
subConns []balancer.SubConn
mu sync.Mutex
next int
func (p *rrPicker) Pick(balancer.PickInfo) (balancer.PickResult, error) {
sc := p.subConns[p.next]
p.next = (p.next + 1) % len(p.subConns)
return balancer.PickResult{SubConn: sc}, nil
0x01 初始化
首先,定义 Picker 的名字和结构,rrPickerBuilder
需要实现如何根据当前活跃的连接 info.ReadySCs
,生成初始化的 ConnectionPool(可以看出 gRPC 提供了非常灵活的 LB 实现接口),rrPicker
结构用来从 ConnectionPool 中,按照一定的策略来选择单个连接,给上层
const Name = "round_robin"
type rrPickerBuilder struct{}
type rrPicker struct {
// subConns is the snapshot of the roundrobin balancer when this picker was
// created. The slice is immutable. Each Get() will do a round robin
// selection from it and return the selected SubConn.
subConns []balancer.SubConn
mu sync.Mutex
next int
在 rrPicker
的 Pick
方法中,返回 balancer.PickResult
return balancer.PickResult{SubConn: sc}
0x02 注册 Picker
使用 NewBalancerBuilderV2
来实现将我们实现的 Picker 逻辑嵌入(注册)到 Balancer 中,同时提供一个 Picker 的名字(关联对应的 balancer.Builder
),将其注册到 Balancer 的全局 map 中。
包初始化方法 init
func init() {
生成 balancer.Builder
func newBuilder() balancer.Builder {
return base.NewBalancerBuilderV2(Name, &rrPickerBuilder{}, base.Config{HealthCheck: true})
方法,返回 balancer.Builder
// NewBalancerBuilderV2 returns a base balancer builder configured by the provided config.
func NewBalancerBuilderV2(name string, pb V2PickerBuilder, config Config) balancer.Builder {
return &baseBuilder{
name: name,
v2PickerBuilder: pb,
config: config,
看下 baseBuilder
type baseBuilder struct {
name string
pickerBuilder PickerBuilder
v2PickerBuilder V2PickerBuilder
config Config
当然了,按照 balancer.Builder
的要求,需要实现 Build
和 Name
func (bb *baseBuilder) Build(cc balancer.ClientConn, opt balancer.BuildOptions) balancer.Balancer {
bal := &baseBalancer{
cc: cc,
pickerBuilder: bb.pickerBuilder,
v2PickerBuilder: bb.v2PickerBuilder,
subConns: make(map[resolver.Address]balancer.SubConn),
scStates: make(map[balancer.SubConn]connectivity.State),
csEvltr: &balancer.ConnectivityStateEvaluator{},
config: bb.config,
// Initialize picker to a picker that always returns
// ErrNoSubConnAvailable, because when state of a SubConn changes, we
// may call UpdateState with this picker.
if bb.pickerBuilder != nil {
bal.picker = NewErrPicker(balancer.ErrNoSubConnAvailable)
} else {
bal.v2Picker = NewErrPickerV2(balancer.ErrNoSubConnAvailable)
return bal
func (bb *baseBuilder) Name() string {
return bb.name
0x03 生成 balancer.V2Picker
0x04 构建负载均衡选择器 rrPicker
这里选择官方的 V2Picker
来作为 Picker,只需要实现 Pick
方法就 ok:
type V2Picker interface {
// Pick returns the connection to use for this RPC and related information.
// Pick should not block. If the balancer needs to do I/O or any blocking
// or time-consuming work to service this call, it should return
// ErrNoSubConnAvailable, and the Pick call will be repeated by gRPC when
// the Picker is updated (using ClientConn.UpdateState).
// If an error is returned:
// - If the error is ErrNoSubConnAvailable, gRPC will block until a new
// Picker is provided by the balancer (using ClientConn.UpdateState).
// - If the error implements IsTransientFailure() bool, returning true,
// wait for ready RPCs will wait, but non-wait for ready RPCs will be
// terminated with this error's Error() string and status code
// Unavailable.
// - Any other errors terminate all RPCs with the code and message
// provided. If the error is not a status error, it will be converted by
// gRPC to a status error with code Unknown.
Pick(info PickInfo) (PickResult, error)
此步骤为最后一步,就是构建负载均衡算法的实现,最终只需要返回 balancer.PickResult
给调用方,就大功告成了。看下 RR 算法的实现代码:
type rrPicker struct {
// subConns is the snapshot of the roundrobin balancer when this picker was
// created. The slice is immutable. Each Get() will do a round robin
// selection from it and return the selected SubConn.
subConns []balancer.SubConn // 保存了 Conntion Pool(可以有重复长连接)
mu sync.Mutex // 一般需要加锁访问
next int //rr 算法需要一个全局的 index
实现 V2Picker
的 Pick
func (p *rrPicker) Pick(balancer.PickInfo) (balancer.PickResult, error) {
sc := p.subConns[p.next] // 选择一个活跃的连接
p.next = (p.next + 1) % len(p.subConns) // 更新全局 index
return balancer.PickResult{SubConn: sc}, nil // 返回结果
// PickResult contains information related to a connection chosen for an RPC.
type PickResult struct {
// SubConn is the connection to use for this pick, if its state is Ready.
// If the state is not Ready, gRPC will block the RPC until a new Picker is
// provided by the balancer (using ClientConn.UpdateState). The SubConn
// must be one returned by ClientConn.NewSubConn.
SubConn SubConn
// Done is called when the RPC is completed. If the SubConn is not ready,
// this will be called with a nil parameter. If the SubConn is not a valid
// type, Done may not be called. May be nil if the balancer does not wish
// to be notified when the RPC completes.
Done func(DoneInfo)
0x05 回看 Picker
虽然 Picker
结构已经被官方标识为 Deprecated 了,不过我们仍然可以简单的分析下 它的结构:
type Picker interface {
// Pick returns the SubConn to be used to send the RPC.
// The returned SubConn must be one returned by NewSubConn().
// This functions is expected to return:
// - a SubConn that is known to be READY;
// - ErrNoSubConnAvailable if no SubConn is available, but progress is being
// made (for example, some SubConn is in CONNECTING mode);
// - other errors if no active connecting is happening (for example, all SubConn
// are in TRANSIENT_FAILURE mode).
// If a SubConn is returned:
// - If it is READY, gRPC will send the RPC on it;
// - If it is not ready, or becomes not ready after it's returned, gRPC will
// block until UpdateBalancerState() is called and will call pick on the
// new picker. The done function returned from Pick(), if not nil, will be
// called with nil error, no bytes sent and no bytes received.
// If the returned error is not nil:
// - If the error is ErrNoSubConnAvailable, gRPC will block until UpdateBalancerState()
// - If the error is ErrTransientFailure or implements IsTransientFailure()
// bool, returning true:
// - If the RPC is wait-for-ready, gRPC will block until UpdateBalancerState()
// is called to pick again;
// - Otherwise, RPC will fail with unavailable error.
// - Else (error is other non-nil error):
// - The RPC will fail with the error's status code, or Unknown if it is
// not a status error.
// The returned done() function will be called once the rpc has finished,
// with the final status of that RPC. If the SubConn returned is not a
// valid SubConn type, done may not be called. done may be nil if balancer
// doesn't care about the RPC status.
Pick(ctx context.Context, info PickInfo) (conn SubConn, done func(DoneInfo), err error)
是一个 interface{}
,从字面上理解,该结构就是返回一个可用的连接(conn SubConn
)。而我比较好奇的是另外一个返回值 done func(DoneInfo)
,从文档的解释看,这个是当 RPC 请求成功时,会返回 RPC 的调用状态。它的参数 DoneInfo
//DoneInfo contains additional information for done.
type DoneInfo struct {
// Err is the rpc error the RPC finished with. It could be nil.
Err error
// Trailer contains the metadata from the RPC's trailer, if present.
Trailer metadata.MD
// BytesSent indicates if any bytes have been sent to the server.
BytesSent bool
// BytesReceived indicates if any byte has been received from the server.
BytesReceived bool
// ServerLoad is the load received from server. It's usually sent as part of
// trailing metadata.
// The only supported type now is *orca_v1.LoadReport.
ServerLoad interface{}
对 gRPC 有开发经验的同学,一眼就看出了 Trailer metadata.MD
这个选项,可以在服务端 RPC 实现中,通过 grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor
将某些服务端的状态(如 CPU,内存信息)、请求时延等,写入 Trailer
,这样当客户端成功的调用 RPC 后,就可以从 Trailer
中读出这些信息,作为下一次负载均衡算法的选取依据。有兴趣的可以看 B 站实现的 wrr 算法,它就是这么做的。
0x06 总结
可以看出,gRPC 的 Picker
结构实现,还是非常友好的。只要理解了代码的流程,很容易的可以写出自己的负载均衡实现逻辑,下一篇文章,再聊聊目前比较流行的负载均衡算法,如待权重的 rr、P2C、随机、一致性 hash、会话保持等实现。
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