Kratos 源码分析:Warden 之 gRPC-Client 封装

分析 Warden 的 Client 端封装

Posted by pandaychen on July 20, 2020

0x00 前言

Kratos 的 Warden 框架 client.go 封装了 gRPC 的客户端启动的核心逻辑。 客户端封装的重点在下面几个方面:

  • 客户端启动 & 配置流程
  • 客户端拦截器链的 “安装” 顺序
  • tracermetrics 以及 breakergrpc.Client 的结合
  • 客户端的 Naming 和 gRPC 框架结合
  • 客户端调用的 LoadBalance 算法

上面列举的条目中,注意,Warden 的 Server 端默认开启了 limiter、而客户端默认开启的是 breaker、当然也可以加入 limiter

0x01 Client 端分析

warden.Client 结构如下,默认封装了熔断器 breaker *breaker.Group 及拦截器数组 handlers []grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor

// Client is the framework's client side instance, it contains the ctx, opt and interceptors.
// Create an instance of Client, by using NewClient().
type Client struct {
	conf    *ClientConfig
	breaker *breaker.Group
	mutex   sync.RWMutex

	opts     []grpc.DialOption
	handlers []grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor


Warden 提供了外部调用的方法 NewClient,用来创建 warden.Client 结构,注意默认开启的 LB 算法是 P2C,初始化主要为了设置 Client 端的 options:

// NewClient returns a new blank Client instance with a default client interceptor.
// opt can be used to add grpc dial options.
func NewClient(conf *ClientConfig, opt ...grpc.DialOption) *Client {
	c := new(Client)
	if err := c.SetConfig(conf); err != nil {
	return c

客户端 Dial/DialTLS

客户端拦截器的初始化,发起连接等操作都集成在了 client.dial() 方法 中,主要流程如下:

  1. 判断是否以阻塞方式调用,grpc.WithBlock()
  2. 检查是否需要客户端的 keepalive 配置
  3. 初始化客户端的拦截器链,按照执行顺序为,c.recovery()—>clientLogging(dialOptions...)—>c.handlers(),注意 c.handlers() 必须放在最后,为什么?
  4. 解析传入配置,获取 Dial 的 scheme 地址(一般有直连方式、DNS 和注册中心这几种)
  5. 发起真正的 Dial 操作
// Dial creates a client connection to the given target.
// Target format is scheme://authority/endpoint?query_arg=value
// example: discovery://default/account.account.service?cluster=shfy01&cluster=shfy02
func (c *Client) Dial(ctx context.Context, target string, opts ...grpc.DialOption) (conn *grpc.ClientConn, err error) {
	opts = append(opts, grpc.WithInsecure())
	return c.dial(ctx, target, opts...)

func (c *Client) dial(ctx context.Context, target string, opts ...grpc.DialOption) (conn *grpc.ClientConn, err error) {
	dialOptions := c.cloneOpts()
	if !c.conf.NonBlock {
		// 是否以阻塞方式调用,常用于服务发现模式
		dialOptions = append(dialOptions, grpc.WithBlock())
	// 客户端的 keepalive 配置
	dialOptions = append(dialOptions, grpc.WithKeepaliveParams(keepalive.ClientParameters{
		Time:                time.Duration(c.conf.KeepAliveInterval),
		Timeout:             time.Duration(c.conf.KeepAliveTimeout),
		PermitWithoutStream: !c.conf.KeepAliveWithoutStream,
	dialOptions = append(dialOptions, opts...)

	// 初始化默认拦截器
	var handlers []grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor
	handlers = append(handlers, c.recovery())
	handlers = append(handlers, clientLogging(dialOptions...))
	handlers = append(handlers, c.handlers...)
	// NOTE: c.handle must be a last interceptor.
	handlers = append(handlers, c.handle())

	// 拦截器链传入
	dialOptions = append(dialOptions, grpc.WithUnaryInterceptor(chainUnaryClient(handlers)))
	conf := c.conf
	if conf.Dial > 0 {
		var cancel context.CancelFunc
		ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Duration(conf.Dial))
		defer cancel()
	if u, e := url.Parse(target); e == nil {
		v := u.Query()
		for _, c := range c.conf.Clusters {
			v.Add(naming.MetaCluster, c)
		if c.conf.Zone != "" {
			v.Add(naming.MetaZone, c.conf.Zone)
		if v.Get("subset") == "" && c.conf.Subset > 0 {
			v.Add("subset", strconv.FormatInt(int64(c.conf.Subset), 10))
		u.RawQuery = v.Encode()
		// 比较_grpcTarget 中的 appid 是否等于 u.path 中的 appid,并替换成 mock 的地址
		for _, t := range _grpcTarget {
			strs := strings.SplitN(t, "=", 2)
			if len(strs) == 2 && ("/"+strs[0]) == u.Path {
				u.Path = "/" + strs[1]
				u.Scheme = "passthrough"
				u.RawQuery = ""
		target = u.String()

	//Do real dial action
	if conn, err = grpc.DialContext(ctx, target, dialOptions...); err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "warden client: dial %s error %v!", target, err)
	err = errors.WithStack(err)

Warden 客户端拦截器链的实现代码如下,在 Kratos 源码分析:gRPC-Warden 拦截器(链)及实现 一文中已经分析过,主要关注 < font color=”#dd0000”> 拦截器链的执行顺序以及 context 在拦截器链中的传递 </font>,注释中也给出了:

Execution is done in left-to-right order, including passing of context. For example ChainUnaryClient(one, two, three) will execute one before two before three.

// chainUnaryClient creates a single interceptor out of a chain of many interceptors.
// Execution is done in left-to-right order, including passing of context.
// For example ChainUnaryClient(one, two, three) will execute one before two before three.
func chainUnaryClient(handlers []grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor) grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor {
	n := len(handlers)
	if n == 0 {
		return func(ctx context.Context, method string, req, reply interface{},
			cc *grpc.ClientConn, invoker grpc.UnaryInvoker, opts ...grpc.CallOption) error {
			return invoker(ctx, method, req, reply, cc, opts...)

	return func(ctx context.Context, method string, req, reply interface{},
		cc *grpc.ClientConn, invoker grpc.UnaryInvoker, opts ...grpc.CallOption) error {
		var (
			i            int
			chainHandler grpc.UnaryInvoker
		chainHandler = func(ictx context.Context, imethod string, ireq, ireply interface{}, ic *grpc.ClientConn, iopts ...grpc.CallOption) error {
			if i == n-1 {
				return invoker(ictx, imethod, ireq, ireply, ic, iopts...)
			// 从 i 为 0 开始,及从拦截器数组的左边遍历到右边
			return handlers[i](ictx, imethod, ireq, ireply, ic, chainHandler, iopts...)

		return handlers[0](ctx, method, req, reply, cc, chainHandler, opts...)

0x02 客户端拦截器分析


对外接口 Use

Warden 的客户端对外暴露了 Use() 方法,用于添加自定义的客户端拦截器。 Use 方法将参数中的 handlers 拦截器添加到 c.handlers 数组的末尾位置:

// Use attachs a global inteceptor to the Client.
// For example, this is the right place for a circuit breaker or error management inteceptor.
func (c *Client) Use(handlers ...grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor) *Client {
	finalSize := len(c.handlers) + len(handlers)
	if finalSize >= int(_abortIndex) {
		panic("warden: client use too many handlers")
	mergedHandlers := make([]grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor, finalSize)
	copy(mergedHandlers, c.handlers)
	copy(mergedHandlers[len(c.handlers):], handlers)
	c.handlers = mergedHandlers
	return c

Client.handle 默认拦截器

在 Warden 的客户端中,将 OpenTracing 和熔断器 Breaker 默认封装在 Client.handle() 中:

// handle returns a new unary client interceptor for OpenTracing\Logging\LinkTimeout.
func (c *Client) handle() grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor {
	return func(ctx context.Context, method string, req, reply interface{}, cc *grpc.ClientConn, invoker grpc.UnaryInvoker, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (err error) {
		var (
			ok     bool
			t      trace.Trace
			gmd    metadata.MD
			conf   *ClientConfig
			cancel context.CancelFunc
			addr   string
			p      peer.Peer
		var ec ecode.Codes = ecode.OK
		// apm tracing
		if t, ok = trace.FromContext(ctx); ok {
			t = t.Fork("", method)
			defer t.Finish(&err)

		// setup metadata
		gmd = baseMetadata()
		trace.Inject(t, trace.GRPCFormat, gmd)
		if conf, ok = c.conf.Method[method]; !ok {
			conf = c.conf
		brk := c.breaker.Get(method)
		if err = brk.Allow(); err != nil {
			_metricClientReqCodeTotal.Inc(method, "breaker")
		defer onBreaker(brk, &err)
		var timeOpt *TimeoutCallOption
		for _, opt := range opts {
			var tok bool
			timeOpt, tok = opt.(*TimeoutCallOption)
			if tok {
		if timeOpt != nil && timeOpt.Timeout > 0 {
			ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(nmd.WithContext(ctx), timeOpt.Timeout)
		} else {
			_, ctx, cancel = conf.Timeout.Shrink(ctx)

		defer cancel()
			func(key string, value interface{}) {
				if valstr, ok := value.(string); ok {
					gmd[key] = []string{valstr}
		// merge with old matadata if exists
		if oldmd, ok := metadata.FromOutgoingContext(ctx); ok {
			gmd = metadata.Join(gmd, oldmd)
		ctx = metadata.NewOutgoingContext(ctx, gmd)

		opts = append(opts, grpc.Peer(&p))
		if err = invoker(ctx, method, req, reply, cc, opts...); err != nil {
			gst, _ := gstatus.FromError(err)
			ec = status.ToEcode(gst)
			err = errors.WithMessage(ec, gst.Message())
		if p.Addr != nil {
			addr = p.Addr.String()
		if t != nil {
			t.SetTag(trace.String(trace.TagAddress, addr), trace.String(trace.TagComment, ""))

0x03 参考