Kratos 源码分析:Metrics 与 Prometheus 的集成与使用

分析 Kratos 的数据指标采集与使用

Posted by pandaychen on July 21, 2020

0x00 前言

前面已经分析过 Kratos 中的滑动窗口及基于滑动窗口实现的 RollingCounter、RollingGauge 实现,主要 代码在此。 这篇文章主要分析如下几点内容:

  1. Kratos 中对 Prometheus 接口的集成及封装
  2. Warden 中使用 Metrics 做指标数据上报的拦截器封装
  3. Metrics 的自定义使用

主要引用了这个包 来实现。

0x01 基础结构及全局变量


基础结构 Metric

Metrics定义 如下,是最基础的结构,注意这句注释:

If the metric’s type is PointGauge, RollingCounter, RollingGauge, it returns the sum value within the window.

// Metric is a sample interface.
// Implementations of Metrics in metric package are Counter, Gauge,
// PointGauge, RollingCounter and RollingGauge.
type Metric interface {
	// Add adds the given value to the counter.
	// Value gets the current value.
	// If the metric's type is PointGauge, RollingCounter, RollingGauge,
	// it returns the sum value within the window.
	Value() int64
// Aggregation contains some common aggregation function.
// Each aggregation can compute summary statistics of window.
type Aggregation interface {
	// Min finds the min value within the window.
	Min() float64
	// Max finds the max value within the window.
	Max() float64
	// Avg computes average value within the window.
	Avg() float64
	// Sum computes sum value within the window.
	Sum() float64

// VectorOpts contains the common arguments for creating vec Metric..
type VectorOpts struct {
	Namespace string
	Subsystem string
	Name      string
	Help      string
	Labels    []string

const (
	_businessNamespace          = "business"
	_businessSubsystemCount     = "count"
	_businessSubSystemGauge     = "gauge"
	_businessSubSystemHistogram = "histogram"

var (
	_defaultBuckets = []float64{5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500}

// NewBusinessMetricCount business Metric count vec.
// name or labels should not be empty.
func NewBusinessMetricCount(name string, labels ...string) CounterVec {
	if name == "" || len(labels) == 0 {
		panic(errors.New("stat:metric business count metric name should not be empty or labels length should be greater than zero"))
	return NewCounterVec(&CounterVecOpts{
		Namespace: _businessNamespace,
		Subsystem: _businessSubsystemCount,
		Name:      name,
		Labels:    labels,
		Help:      fmt.Sprintf("business metric count %s", name),

// NewBusinessMetricGauge business Metric gauge vec.
// name or labels should not be empty.
func NewBusinessMetricGauge(name string, labels ...string) GaugeVec {
	if name == "" || len(labels) == 0 {
		panic(errors.New("stat:metric business gauge metric name should not be empty or labels length should be greater than zero"))
	return NewGaugeVec(&GaugeVecOpts{
		Namespace: _businessNamespace,
		Subsystem: _businessSubSystemGauge,
		Name:      name,
		Labels:    labels,
		Help:      fmt.Sprintf("business metric gauge %s", name),

// NewBusinessMetricHistogram business Metric histogram vec.
// name or labels should not be empty.
func NewBusinessMetricHistogram(name string, buckets []float64, labels ...string) HistogramVec {
	if name == "" || len(labels) == 0 {
		panic(errors.New("stat:metric business histogram metric name should not be empty or labels length should be greater than zero"))
	if len(buckets) == 0 {
		buckets = _defaultBuckets
	return NewHistogramVec(&HistogramVecOpts{
		Namespace: _businessNamespace,
		Subsystem: _businessSubSystemHistogram,
		Name:      name,
		Labels:    labels,
		Buckets:   buckets,
		Help:      fmt.Sprintf("business metric histogram %s", name),

0x02 Gauge 封装

// Gauge stores a numerical value that can be add arbitrarily.
type Gauge interface {
	// Sets sets the value to the given number.

// GaugeOpts is an alias of Opts.
type GaugeOpts Opts

type gauge struct {
	val int64

// NewGauge creates a new Gauge based on the GaugeOpts.
func NewGauge(opts GaugeOpts) Gauge {
	return &gauge{}

func (g *gauge) Add(val int64) {
	atomic.AddInt64(&g.val, val)

func (g *gauge) Set(val int64) {
	old := atomic.LoadInt64(&g.val)
	atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&g.val, old, val)

func (g *gauge) Value() int64 {
	return atomic.LoadInt64(&g.val)

// GaugeVecOpts is an alias of VectorOpts.
type GaugeVecOpts VectorOpts

// GaugeVec gauge vec.
type GaugeVec interface {
	// Set sets the Gauge to an arbitrary value.
	Set(v float64, labels ...string)
	// Inc increments the Gauge by 1. Use Add to increment it by arbitrary
	// values.
	Inc(labels ...string)
	// Add adds the given value to the Gauge. (The value can be negative,
	// resulting in a decrease of the Gauge.)
	Add(v float64, labels ...string)

// gaugeVec gauge vec.
type promGaugeVec struct {
	gauge *prometheus.GaugeVec

// NewGaugeVec .
func NewGaugeVec(cfg *GaugeVecOpts) GaugeVec {
	if cfg == nil {
		return nil
	vec := prometheus.NewGaugeVec(
			Namespace: cfg.Namespace,
			Subsystem: cfg.Subsystem,
			Name:      cfg.Name,
			Help:      cfg.Help,
		}, cfg.Labels)
	return &promGaugeVec{
		gauge: vec,

// Inc Inc increments the counter by 1. Use Add to increment it by arbitrary.
func (gauge *promGaugeVec) Inc(labels ...string) {

// Add Inc increments the counter by 1. Use Add to increment it by arbitrary.
func (gauge *promGaugeVec) Add(v float64, labels ...string) {

// Set set the given value to the collection.
func (gauge *promGaugeVec) Set(v float64, labels ...string) {

0x03 Counter 计数器

包含两部分,一部分是 metric.Metrics 封装的 Counter 结构(用于内部组件),另一部分是基于 prometheus.CounterVec 封装的计数器 Metrics(用于上报数据):

Counter 结构及方法

metric.Counter代码 封装了 Prometheus 的 Counter 结构和方法: Counter 是方法集合,包含了 Metriccounter 是具体结构,成员 val int64 用来存储计数器的值(仅自增):

// Counter stores a numerical value that only ever goes up.
type Counter interface {

type counter struct {
	val int64

metric.counter 提供了三个方法:

  1. NewCounter:初始化 counter
  2. Add:累加计数器
  3. Value:返回计数器的值
// NewCounter creates a new Counter based on the CounterOpts.
func NewCounter(opts CounterOpts) Counter {
	return &counter{}

func (c *counter) Add(val int64) {
	if val < 0 {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("stat/metric: cannot decrease in negative value. val: %d", val))
	atomic.AddInt64(&c.val, val)

func (c *counter) Value() int64 {
	return atomic.LoadInt64(&c.val)

prometheus.CounterVec 封装及方法

Kratos 基于 prometheus 包封装了其 prometheus.CounterVec 的结构,metric.promCounterVec

// CounterVecOpts is an alias of VectorOpts.
type CounterVecOpts VectorOpts

// CounterVec counter vec.
type CounterVec interface {
	// Inc increments the counter by 1. Use Add to increment it by arbitrary
	// non-negative values.
	Inc(labels ...string)
	// Add adds the given value to the counter. It panics if the value is <
	// 0.
	Add(v float64, labels ...string)

// counterVec counter vec.
type promCounterVec struct {
	counter *prometheus.CounterVec

提供了几个方法(注意方法中需要传入 labels 标签属性值):

  1. NewCounterVec:初始化创建一个 CounterVec,注意传入的 CounterOpts 需要定义配置参数,如 NamespaceSubsystemNameHelp
  2. Inc:封装调用 prometheus.CounterVecWithLabelValues(...).Inc 方法
  3. Add:封装调用 prometheus.CounterVecWithLabelValues(...).Add 方法

NewCounterVec,封装了 Prometheus 的初始化逻辑,返回 metric.CounterVec 对象:

// NewCounterVec .
func NewCounterVec(cfg *CounterVecOpts) CounterVec {
	if cfg == nil {
		return nil
	vec := prometheus.NewCounterVec(
			Namespace: cfg.Namespace,
			Subsystem: cfg.Subsystem,
			Name:      cfg.Name,
			Help:      cfg.Help,
        }, cfg.Labels)
    // 注册 vec 到 Prometheus 中
	return &promCounterVec{
		counter: vec,

IncAdd 方法:

// Inc Inc increments the counter by 1. Use Add to increment it by arbitrary.
func (counter *promCounterVec) Inc(labels ...string) {
    // 封装方法

// Add Inc increments the counter by 1. Use Add to increment it by arbitrary.
func (counter *promCounterVec) Add(v float64, labels ...string) {
    // 封装方法

0x04 Histogram 统计直方图

Histogram 实现,初始化时需要传入 Buckets []float64 数据:

// Timing adds a single observation to the histogram.
func (histogram *promHistogramVec) Observe(v int64, labels ...string) {

至此,已经分析完成 Kratos 中对 Prometheus 的几种不同类型接口的封装,下面篇幅来看下实际中如何调用这些接口。

0x05 Warden 的 Metrics 拦截器

这里先看下 Warden 中是如何使用上述封装的 Metric 进行指标数据上报的。分两块:

  1. 结构定义的部分 在此
  2. 调用的部分 在此


Warden 中默认定义了几个监控指标,分为服务端和客户端:

  • _metricServerReqDur:服务端 RPC 处理延时,以 histogram 方式上报
  • _metricServerReqCodeTotal:服务端(按 code 类型)请求总数,以 counter 方式上报
  • _metricClientReqDur:客户端 RPC 调用延时,同样以 histogram 方式上报
  • _metricClientReqCodeTotal:客户端(按 code 类型)请求总数,以 counter 方式上报


// 默认的 namespace 名字
const (
	clientNamespace = "grpc_client"
	serverNamespace = "grpc_server"

var (
	_metricServerReqDur = metric.NewHistogramVec(&metric.HistogramVecOpts{
		Namespace: serverNamespace,
		Subsystem: "requests",
		Name:      "duration_ms",
		Help:      "grpc server requests duration(ms).",
		Labels:    []string{"method", "caller"},
		Buckets:   []float64{5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000},
	_metricServerReqCodeTotal = metric.NewCounterVec(&metric.CounterVecOpts{
		Namespace: serverNamespace,
		Subsystem: "requests",
		Name:      "code_total",
		Help:      "grpc server requests code count.",
		Labels:    []string{"method", "caller", "code"},
	_metricClientReqDur = metric.NewHistogramVec(&metric.HistogramVecOpts{
		Namespace: clientNamespace,
		Subsystem: "requests",
		Name:      "duration_ms",
		Help:      "grpc client requests duration(ms).",
		Labels:    []string{"method"},
		Buckets:   []float64{5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000},
	_metricClientReqCodeTotal = metric.NewCounterVec(&metric.CounterVecOpts{
		Namespace: clientNamespace,
		Subsystem: "requests",
		Name:      "code_total",
		Help:      "grpc client requests code count.",
		Labels:    []string{"method", "code"},

metric 方法调用

调用的方法 在此,先看下客户端的拦截器:

func clientLogging(dialOptions ...grpc.DialOption) grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor {
	defaultFlag := extractLogDialOption(dialOptions)
	return func(ctx context.Context, method string, req, reply interface{}, cc *grpc.ClientConn, invoker grpc.UnaryInvoker, opts ...grpc.CallOption) error {
		logFlag := extractLogCallOption(opts) | defaultFlag

		startTime := time.Now()
		var peerInfo peer.Peer
		opts = append(opts, grpc.Peer(&peerInfo))

		// invoker requests
		err := invoker(ctx, method, req, reply, cc, opts...)

		// after request
		code := ecode.Cause(err).Code()
		duration := time.Since(startTime)
		// monitor
		_metricClientReqDur.Observe(int64(duration/time.Millisecond), method)
		_metricClientReqCodeTotal.Inc(method, strconv.Itoa(code))

		return err


// serverLogging warden grpc logging
func serverLogging(logFlag int8) grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor {
	return func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handler grpc.UnaryHandler) (interface{}, error) {
		startTime := time.Now()
		caller := metadata.String(ctx, metadata.Caller)
		if caller == "" {
			caller = "no_user"
		var remoteIP string
		if peerInfo, ok := peer.FromContext(ctx); ok {
			remoteIP = peerInfo.Addr.String()
		var quota float64
		if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok {
			quota = time.Until(deadline).Seconds()

		// call server handler
		resp, err := handler(ctx, req)

		// after server response
		code := ecode.Cause(err).Code()
		duration := time.Since(startTime)
		// monitor
		_metricServerReqDur.Observe(int64(duration/time.Millisecond), info.FullMethod, caller)
		_metricServerReqCodeTotal.Inc(info.FullMethod, caller, strconv.Itoa(code))

		return resp, err

0x06 参考