0x00 前言
Oxy:Go middlewares for HTTP servers & proxies 是一个 HTTP(s) 代理开发(中间件)库,另一个负载均衡网关项目 vulcand 也基于此库来实现反向代理(Reverse Proxy Engine)功能。它的 主要组件如下,框架还是围绕着原生 net/http
- Buffer retries and buffers requests and responses
- Stream passes-through requests, supports chunked encoding with configurable flush interval
- Forward forwards requests to remote location and rewrites headers
- Roundrobin is a round-robin load balancer
- Circuit Breaker Hystrix-style circuit breaker
- Connlimit Simultaneous connections limiter
- Ratelimit Rate limiter (based on tokenbucket algo)
- Trace Structured request and response logger
同类型的其他 package 还有:
无论是 gin
Web 框架,还是 HTTP(s) 代理,都离不开对 http.Handler
的封装、对 HTTP 路由、Header、参数及其他 HTTP 关键参数的重写及改造,而标准库 net/http
只是提供了最基础的 CS 架构下的 Request-Response 模型:
Every handler is http.Handler, so writing and plugging in a middleware is easy
从官方提供的使用例子,先了解下 Oxy 的基础功能:
1、Simple reverse proxy,简单的反向代理,将 8080
的 HTTP 请求发送给 http://localhost:63450
import (
// Forwards incoming requests to whatever location URL points to, adds proper forwarding headers
fwd, _ := forward.New()
redirect := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// let us forward this request to another server
req.URL = testutils.ParseURI("http://localhost:63450")
// 将上层的 Request 和 ResponseWriter 传递给 fwd
fwd.ServeHTTP(w, req)
func main(){
// ...
// that's it! our reverse proxy is ready!
s := &http.Server{
Addr: ":8080",
Handler: redirect,
import (
func main() {
// Forwards incoming requests to whatever location URL points to, adds proper forwarding headers
fwd, _ := forward.New()
lb, _ := roundrobin.New(fwd)
url1 := testutils.ParseURI("http://localhost:63450")
url2 := testutils.ParseURI("http://localhost:63451")
s := &http.Server{
Addr: ":8080",
Handler: lb,
import (
// Forwards incoming requests to whatever location URL points to, adds proper forwarding headers
fwd, _ := forward.New()
lb, _ := roundrobin.New(fwd)
// buffer will read the request body and will replay the request again in case if forward returned status
// corresponding to nework error (e.g. Gateway Timeout)
buffer, _ := buffer.New(lb, buffer.Retry(`IsNetworkError() && Attempts() < 2`))
// that's it! our reverse proxy is ready!
s := &http.Server{
Addr: ":8080",
Handler: buffer,
0x01 Forward 子组件:反向代理模块分析
本文代码基于v1.4.1,Forward 转发组件是HTTP转发功能的基础组件,其他模块如lb、buffer等都基于此基础进行构建。用 Forward 组件实现反向代理的一种调用方式如下:
FwdObj *forward.Forwarder
func API_handler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
req.URL = testutils.ParseURI("xxxx.backend.com")
// 创建forward.RoundTripper及设置属性
r := forward.RoundTripper(
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
FwdObj, _ = forward.New(forward.PassHostHeader(true), forward.Logger(x_logger), r)
FwdObj.ServeHTTP(w, req)
Forward 组件封装了 HTTP 和 websocket 两种转发的实现,核心结构是httpForwarder,对http请求进行处理后,最终还是调用httputil.ReverseProxy
revproxy := httputil.ReverseProxy{
Director: func(req *http.Request) {
f.modifyRequest(req, inReq.URL)
Transport: f.roundTripper,
FlushInterval: f.flushInterval,
ModifyResponse: f.modifyResponse,
BufferPool: f.bufferPool,
ErrorHandler: ctx.errHandler.ServeHTTP,
// Forwarder wraps two traffic forwarding implementations: HTTP and websockets.
// It decides based on the specified request which implementation to use.
type Forwarder struct {
stateListener URLForwardingStateListener //
stream bool
// httpForwarder is a handler that can reverse proxy
// HTTP traffic
type httpForwarder struct {
roundTripper http.RoundTripper //用于转发请求的RoundTripper(必需包含),默认http.DefaultTransport
rewriter ReqRewriter //用于改写转发请求
passHost bool //
flushInterval time.Duration
modifyResponse func(*http.Response) error //用于改写响应请求的回调
tlsClientConfig *tls.Config
log OxyLogger
bufferPool httputil.BufferPool
websocketConnectionClosedHook func(req *http.Request, conn net.Conn)
// handlerContext defines a handler context for error reporting and logging.
type handlerContext struct {
errHandler utils.ErrorHandler
// UrlForwardingStateListener alias on URLForwardingStateListener.
// Deprecated: use URLForwardingStateListener instead.
type UrlForwardingStateListener = URLForwardingStateListener
// URLForwardingStateListener URL forwarding state listener.
type URLForwardingStateListener func(*url.URL, int)
// ServeHTTP decides which forwarder to use based on the specified
// request and delegates to the proper implementation.
func (f *Forwarder) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if f.log.GetLevel() >= log.DebugLevel {
logEntry := f.log.WithField("Request", utils.DumpHTTPRequest(req))
logEntry.Debug("vulcand/oxy/forward: begin ServeHttp on request")
defer logEntry.Debug("vulcand/oxy/forward: completed ServeHttp on request")
if f.stateListener != nil {
f.stateListener(req.URL, StateConnected)
defer f.stateListener(req.URL, StateDisconnected)
if IsWebsocketRequest(req) {
f.httpForwarder.serveWebSocket(w, req, f.handlerContext)
} else {
f.httpForwarder.serveHTTP(w, req, f.handlerContext)
根据http Header中的关键字判断当前是不是websocket请求:
// IsWebsocketRequest determines if the specified HTTP request is a websocket handshake request.
func IsWebsocketRequest(req *http.Request) bool {
containsHeader := func(name, value string) bool {
items := strings.Split(req.Header.Get(name), ",")
for _, item := range items {
if value == strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(item)) {
return true
return false
return containsHeader(Connection, "upgrade") && containsHeader(Upgrade, "websocket")
// serveHTTP forwards HTTP traffic using the configured transport.
func (f *httpForwarder) serveHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, inReq *http.Request, ctx *handlerContext) {
if f.log.GetLevel() >= log.DebugLevel {
logEntry := f.log.WithField("Request", utils.DumpHTTPRequest(inReq))
logEntry.Debug("vulcand/oxy/forward/http: begin ServeHttp on request")
defer logEntry.Debug("vulcand/oxy/forward/http: completed ServeHttp on request")
start := clock.Now().UTC()
outReq := new(http.Request)
*outReq = *inReq // includes shallow copies of maps, but we handle this in Director
revproxy := httputil.ReverseProxy{
Director: func(req *http.Request) {
f.modifyRequest(req, inReq.URL)
Transport: f.roundTripper,
FlushInterval: f.flushInterval,
ModifyResponse: f.modifyResponse,
BufferPool: f.bufferPool,
ErrorHandler: ctx.errHandler.ServeHTTP,
if f.log.GetLevel() >= log.DebugLevel {
pw := utils.NewProxyWriter(w)
revproxy.ServeHTTP(pw, outReq)
if inReq.TLS != nil {
f.log.Debugf("vulcand/oxy/forward/http: Round trip: %v, code: %v, Length: %v, duration: %v tls:version: %x, tls:resume:%t, tls:csuite:%x, tls:server:%v",
inReq.URL, pw.StatusCode(), pw.GetLength(), clock.Now().UTC().Sub(start),
} else {
f.log.Debugf("vulcand/oxy/forward/http: Round trip: %v, code: %v, Length: %v, duration: %v",
inReq.URL, pw.StatusCode(), pw.GetLength(), clock.Now().UTC().Sub(start))
} else {
revproxy.ServeHTTP(w, outReq)
for key := range w.Header() {
if strings.HasPrefix(key, http.TrailerPrefix) {
if fl, ok := w.(http.Flusher); ok {
// Modify the request to handle the target URL.
func (f *httpForwarder) modifyRequest(outReq *http.Request, target *url.URL) {
outReq.URL = utils.CopyURL(outReq.URL)
outReq.URL.Scheme = target.Scheme
outReq.URL.Host = target.Host
u := f.getURLFromRequest(outReq)
outReq.URL.Path = u.Path
outReq.URL.RawPath = u.RawPath
outReq.URL.RawQuery = u.RawQuery
outReq.RequestURI = "" // Outgoing request should not have RequestURI
outReq.Proto = "HTTP/1.1"
outReq.ProtoMajor = 1
outReq.ProtoMinor = 1
if f.rewriter != nil {
// Do not pass client Host header unless optsetter PassHostHeader is set.
if !f.passHost {
outReq.Host = target.Host