Etcd 开发中的细节梳理(总结)

如何更优雅的使用 Etcd 实现工作项目

Posted by pandaychen on May 30, 2020

0x00 前言

本文主要梳理下在使用 Etcd(仅限于 V3 版本) 进行开发中遇到的一些细节问题及解决。必读的文档如下:

0x01 Etcd 的客户端

Etcd 官方提供了丰富的客户端 实现,值得参考。




阅读 etcd 分布式锁 mutex 的源码时,遇到 waitDeletes 函数

0x02 Etcd 的 Key-Value

Etcd 的 Key-Value 结构的 PB 定义如下:

message KeyValue {
  bytes key = 1;
  int64 create_revision = 2;
  int64 mod_revision = 3;
  int64 version = 4;
  bytes value = 5;
  int64 lease = 6;

0x02 各种 Version 的含义

主要来自 issue:what is different about Revision, ModRevision and Version?(需要了解什么是 MVCC): 开发者提了一个好问题:
Revision in ResponseHeader, and ModRevision and Version in KeyValue, what is different about them. I am confused from the comment. If I Watch with WithRev, which one I should fill into WithRev?

type ResponseHeader struct {
    // cluster_id is the ID of the cluster which sent the response.
    ClusterId uint64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=cluster_id,json=clusterId,proto3" json:"cluster_id,omitempty"`
    // member_id is the ID of the member which sent the response.
    MemberId uint64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=member_id,json=memberId,proto3" json:"member_id,omitempty"`
    // revision is the key-value store revision when the request was applied.
    Revision int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=revision,proto3" json:"revision,omitempty"`
    // raft_term is the raft term when the request was applied.
    RaftTerm uint64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=raft_term,json=raftTerm,proto3" json:"raft_term,omitempty"`

type KeyValue struct {
    // key is the key in bytes. An empty key is not allowed.
    Key []byte `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=key,proto3" json:"key,omitempty"`
    // create_revision is the revision of last creation on this key.
    CreateRevision int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=create_revision,json=createRevision,proto3" json:"create_revision,omitempty"`
    // mod_revision is the revision of last modification on this key.
    ModRevision int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=mod_revision,json=modRevision,proto3" json:"mod_revision,omitempty"`
    // version is the version of the key. A deletion resets
    // the version to zero and any modification of the key
    // increases its version.
    Version int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=version,proto3" json:"version,omitempty"`
    // value is the value held by the key, in bytes.
    Value []byte `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=value,proto3" json:"value,omitempty"`
    // lease is the ID of the lease that attached to key.
    // When the attached lease expires, the key will be deleted.
    // If lease is 0, then no lease is attached to the key.
    Lease int64 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=lease,proto3" json:"lease,omitempty"`

Key-Value 的结构看,其关联了 CreateRevisionModRevisionVersion,而 Revision 是在每次客户端请求服务端的 ResponseHeader 中返回的。


the Revision is the current revision of etcd. It is incremented every time the v3 backed is modified (e.g., Put, Delete, Txn). ModRevision is the etcd revision of the last update to a key. Version is the number of times the key has been modified since it was created. Get(…, WithRev(rev)) will perform a Get as if the etcd store is still at revision rev.


[root@VM_0_7_centos etcd_tools]# etcdctl get key1 --write-out=json

[root@VM_0_7_centos etcd_tools]# etcdctl del key1

[root@VM_0_7_centos etcd_tools]# etcdctl get key1 --write-out=json

[root@VM_0_7_centos etcd_tools]# etcdctl put key1 value11
[root@VM_0_7_centos etcd_tools]# etcdctl get key1 --write-out=json

此时,通过下面的代码查询 key1 的值,使用 clientv3.WithRev(47) 这个条件,仍然得到了 create_revision=47key1 的值,同时 head revision=53 告诉当前 key1Revision53

func main() {
        endpoints := []string{""}
        cli, err := clientv3.New(clientv3.Config{Endpoints: endpoints})
        if err != nil {
        defer cli.Close()

        getOps := append(clientv3.WithLastCreate(), clientv3.WithRev(47))
        resp, err := cli.Get(context.TODO(), "key1", getOps...)
        if err != nil {
        if len(resp.Kvs) != 0 {
                fmt.Printf("%s -> %s, create revsion=%d, head revision=%d\n",



[root@VM_0_7_centos etcd_tools]# go run withrev.go
key1 -> value1, create revsion=47, head revision=53

再次删掉 key1,查询一个不存在的 Revision,会得到 len(resp.Kvs)==0 的结果,符合预期。

[root@VM_0_7_centos etcd_tools]# etcdctl del key1
[root@VM_0_7_centos etcd_tools]# etcdctl get key1 --write-out=json


字段 关联范围 说明
Revision 全局 Revision 表示改动序号(ID),每次 KV 的变化,Leader 节点都会修改 Revision 值,因此,这个值在 Cluster(集群)内是全局唯一的,而且是递增的
ModRevison Key 记录了某个 key 最近修改时的 Revision,即它是与 key 关联的
Version Key 表示 KV 的版本号,初始值为 1,每次修改 KV 对应的 version 都会加 1,亦是作用在 Key 之内的
CreateRevision 全局 某个 Key 创建时对应的 Revision,通过此值可以从集群获取到该 Revision 对应的 Key 属性,不管此 Key 有无被删除


Revision and ModRevision are different in that ModRevision is the last revision of a key.

$ ETCDCTL_API=3 ./bin/etcdctl put foo bar

$ ETCDCTL_API=3 ./bin/etcdctl get foo --write-out=json
revision: 2
mod_revision: 2
version: 1

$ ETCDCTL_API=3 ./bin/etcdctl put foo bar

$ ETCDCTL_API=3 ./bin/etcdctl get foo --write-out=json
revision: 3
mod_revision: 3
version: 2

$ ETCDCTL_API=3 ./bin/etcdctl put hello world

$ ETCDCTL_API=3 ./bin/etcdctl get foo --write-out=json
revision: 4
mod_revision: 3
version: 2

$ ETCDCTL_API=3 ./bin/etcdctl get hello --write-out=json
revision: 4
mod_revision: 4
version: 1

$ ETCDCTL_API=3 ./bin/etcdctl put hello world

$ ETCDCTL_API=3 ./bin/etcdctl get hello --write-out=json
revision: 5
mod_revision: 5
version: 2

0x03 Etcd 的 Resp 的字段含义

0x04 Etcd 的 Txn

Etcd 使用 Txn 提供了事务处理的机制。使用 Txn 特性,可以一次性操作多条语句(在一个 Revision 中完成):

func main() {
        endpoints := []string{""}
        cli, err := clientv3.New(clientv3.Config{Endpoints: endpoints})
        if err != nil {
        defer cli.Close()

        _, err = cli.Txn(context.TODO()).If().Then(
                clientv3.OpPut("key1", "value1"),
                clientv3.OpPut("key2", "value2"),
                clientv3.OpPut("key3", "value3"),
        if err != nil {
        resp, err := cli.Txn(context.TODO()).If().Then(
        if err != nil {
        for _, rp := range resp.Responses {
                for _, ev := range rp.GetResponseRange().Kvs {
                        fmt.Printf("%s->%s,create revision=%d,version=%d,mod revivison=%d\n",
                        string(ev.Key), string(ev.Value), ev.CreateRevision, ev.Version, ev.ModRevision)

上面输入如下,三个 key 具有相同的 Create Revision 值:

key1->value1,create revision=47,version=5,mod revivison=51
key2->value2,create revision=47,version=5,mod revivison=51
key3->value3,create revision=47,version=5,mod revivison=51
