gRPC 微服务构建之日志(Logging)

使用 gRPC 实现zap日志拦截器(With Tracing)

Posted by pandaychen on March 1, 2020

0x00 前言

   结构化日志对于后台项目的重要性不言而喻,通常调试、记录运行错误及基于日志关键字的监控都会需要后台提供足够充分的日志。Golang 中有非常多优秀的日志库,如 ZapLogus 等。这篇文章分享下在项目中,如何将 Zap 和 gRPC 完美的融合在一起,保证日志的可读性和高效,同时也兼顾了性能。

0x01 Zap 库介绍

Zap 库满足了常见日志库的所有优点,非常适合在项目中使用。具体来说:

  • 日志的格式化:比如以 JSON、自定义分隔符等形式记录,方便人为观察及日志分析工具处理
  • 性能:每次操作的耗时,以及每次操作分配的内存,作为日志库,两个指标都应该要极低.
  • 日志分级
  • 按天切分 / 按大小切分 + 自动(定期)归档(Zap 本身不具备归档能力,需要借助如 lumberjack 来实现)
  • 支持采样:全日志记录,支持采样率,防止服务请求剧增导致时输出的日志量剧增

Zap 库是个非常 Nice 的日志库,性能也很出众,推荐阅读 从 Go 高性能日志库 zap 看如何实现高性能 Go 组件

0x02 gRPC 和 Zap 融合

   gRPC 的 grpclog 包,提供了 LoggerV2interface{} 定义,代码在此。因此,只要通过 Zap 实现 LoggerV2 的接口(即用自己封装的 Zap.logger 实例化 grpc.LoggerV2),并通过 SetLoggerV2(l LoggerV2) 将实现的对象设置到 grpclog 包中,那么 gRPC 就会默认使用我们传入的 Zap 的 logger 进行日志打印,非常完美。

LoggerV2 的接口定义了下面的方法集合,所以在我们自己的 Zap 库中,对这里所有的方法都要进行二次封装。

type LoggerV2 interface {
    // Info logs to INFO log. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Print.
    Info(args ...interface{})
    // Infoln logs to INFO log. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Println.
    Infoln(args ...interface{})
    // Infof logs to INFO log. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Printf.
    Infof(format string, args ...interface{})
    // Warning logs to WARNING log. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Print.
    Warning(args ...interface{})
    // Warningln logs to WARNING log. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Println.
    Warningln(args ...interface{})
    // Warningf logs to WARNING log. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Printf.
    Warningf(format string, args ...interface{})
    // Error logs to ERROR log. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Print.
    Error(args ...interface{})
    // Errorln logs to ERROR log. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Println.
    Errorln(args ...interface{})
    // Errorf logs to ERROR log. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Printf.
    Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
    // Fatal logs to ERROR log. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Print.
    // gRPC ensures that all Fatal logs will exit with os.Exit(1).
    // Implementations may also call os.Exit() with a non-zero exit code.
    Fatal(args ...interface{})
    // Fatalln logs to ERROR log. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Println.
    // gRPC ensures that all Fatal logs will exit with os.Exit(1).
    // Implementations may also call os.Exit() with a non-zero exit code.
    Fatalln(args ...interface{})
    // Fatalf logs to ERROR log. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Printf.
    // gRPC ensures that all Fatal logs will exit with os.Exit(1).
    // Implementations may also call os.Exit() with a non-zero exit code.
    Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})
    // V reports whether verbosity level l is at least the requested verbose level.
    V(l int) bool

在 gRPC 的 Zap 日志中间件 go-grpc-middleware:Zap 实现中,也是如此实现的:

func ReplaceGrpcLogger(logger *zap.Logger) {
  //zapGrpcLoggerV2 为实现了 LoggerV2 接口的 struct
	zgl := &zapGrpcLogger{logger.With(SystemField, zap.Bool("grpc_log", true))}

// ReplaceGrpcLoggerV2 replaces the grpc_log.LoggerV2 with the provided logger.
func ReplaceGrpcLoggerV2(logger *zap.Logger) {
	ReplaceGrpcLoggerV2WithVerbosity(logger, 0)

// ReplaceGrpcLoggerV2WithVerbosity replaces the grpc_.LoggerV2 with the provided logger and verbosity.
func ReplaceGrpcLoggerV2WithVerbosity(logger *zap.Logger, verbosity int) {
	zgl := &zapGrpcLoggerV2{
		logger:    logger.With(SystemField, zap.Bool("grpc_log", true)),
		verbosity: verbosity,

此外,Zap 库中提供了两种日志记录器:Sugared Logger 和 Logger。二者的区别在于 官方描述

Sugared Logger:类似于 fmt.Printf,更通用。

In contexts where performance is nice, but not critical, use the SugaredLogger. It’s 4-10x faster than other structured logging packages and supports both structured and printf-style logging. Like log15 and go-kit, the SugaredLogger’s structured logging APIs are loosely typed and accept a variadic number of key-value pairs. (For more advanced use cases, they also accept strongly typed fields - see the SugaredLogger.With documentation for details.)


sugar := zap.NewExample().Sugar()
defer sugar.Sync()
sugar.Infow("failed to fetch URL",
  "url", "",
  "attempt", 3,
  "backoff", time.Second,
sugar.Infof("failed to fetch URL: %s", "")

Logger:性能更高,但需要自己按照 zap 的结构化进行记录。

In the rare contexts where every microsecond and every allocation matter, use the Logger. It’s even faster than the SugaredLogger and allocates far less, but it only supports strongly-typed, structured logging.


logger := zap.NewExample()
defer logger.Sync()
logger.Info("failed to fetch URL",
  zap.String("url", ""),
  zap.Int("attempt", 3),
  zap.Duration("backoff", time.Second),


logger := zap.NewExample()
defer logger.Sync()
sugar := logger.Sugar()
plain := sugar.Desugar()

gRPC 中使用 Zap 记录日志

   在 grpclog 包中,按照 grpclog.SetLoggerV2(自己实现的 LoggerV2 对象) 导入自己封装的 zaplogger 方法,然后 grpclog 就会按照自定义的方法来输出日志了,非常方便。

grpclog.Infof("%s", message)
grpclog.Errorf("err %v", err)


	"level": "info",
	"ts": "2020-10-15T07:51:43.384Z",
	"caller": "grpclog/logger.go:49",
	"msg": "CALL method",
	"system": "grpc",
	"grpc_log": true

0x03 gRPC-Zap 日志拦截器

go-grpc-middleware 项目还提供了基于 Zap 的日志拦截器(服务端):zap.UnaryServerInterceptor,此外还有 zap.StreamServerInterceptorzap.PayloadUnaryServerInterceptor 以及 zap.PayloadStreamServerInterceptor 等。此外还包含了客户端的拦截器实现。

我们以 zap.UnaryServerInterceptor实现 为例,简单分析下拦截器做了哪些事情:

// UnaryServerInterceptor returns a new unary server interceptors that adds zap.Logger to the context.
func UnaryServerInterceptor(logger *zap.Logger, opts ...Option) grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor {

  // 初始化选项 opt
	o := evaluateServerOpt(opts)
	return func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handler grpc.UnaryHandler) (interface{}, error) {
		startTime := time.Now()

		newCtx := newLoggerForCall(ctx, logger, info.FullMethod, startTime)

		resp, err := handler(newCtx, req)
		if !o.shouldLog(info.FullMethod, err) {
			return resp, err
		code := o.codeFunc(err)
		level := o.levelFunc(code)
		duration := o.durationFunc(time.Since(startTime))

		o.messageFunc(newCtx, "finished unary call with code"+code.String(), level, code, err, duration)
		return resp, err

func newLoggerForCall(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, fullMethodString string, start time.Time) context.Context {
	var f []zapcore.Field
	f = append(f, zap.String("grpc.start_time", start.Format(time.RFC3339)))
	if d, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok {
		f = append(f, zap.String("grpc.request.deadline", d.Format(time.RFC3339)))
	callLog := logger.With(append(f, serverCallFields(fullMethodString)...)...)
	return ctxzap.ToContext(ctx, callLog)

ctxMarkerKey = &ctxMarker{}

//ctxzap.ToContext 实现
// ToContext adds the zap.Logger to the context for extraction later.
// Returning the new context that has been created.
func ToContext(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger) context.Context {
	l := &ctxLogger{
		logger: logger,
	return context.WithValue(ctx, ctxMarkerKey, l)

zap.UnaryServerInterceptor 的流程如下:

  1. 该拦截器需要传入两个参数,分别为 zap.Logger 日志句柄和参数 Option
  2. 通过 evaluateServerOpt 方法,更新日志记录的选项参数,比如 DefaultDeciderMethod 是否打印某个方法的日志(默认打印)、options .durationFunc 是否记录 RPC 方法的 duration 等等
  3. 调用 newLoggerForCall 方法,将 grpc.start_timegrpc.request.deadlinegrpc.method 等 fields 登记在 logger *zap.Logger 中,然后通过 context.WithValue(ctx, ctxMarkerKey, l) 构建出一个新的 context 返回
  4. resp, err := handler(newCtx, req) 执行完剩下的拦截器和 RPC 方法
  5. 注意最后 o.messageFunc(newCtx, "finished unary call with code"+code.String(), level, code, err, duration) 这个方法,zap 中是调用了 zap.DefaultMessageProducer 方法,该方法将第 3 步注入到 contextzap.Logger 取出,然后最终输出打印结果

为何要做的如此复杂?从实现上看是为了捕获到由 grpc_ctxtags 这款拦截器生成的 kv 字段(在当前的拦截器流程到执行完 RPC 方法这段期间发生的改变),所以在 ctxzap.Extract 中会调用 grpc_ctxtags.Extract 先拿到这些增加的 kv 字段,然后再打印。由此可见,作者对细节的考虑还是相当全面的。

// MessageProducer produces a user defined log message
type MessageProducer func(ctx context.Context, msg string, level zapcore.Level, code codes.Code, err error, duration zapcore.Field)

// DefaultMessageProducer writes the default message
func DefaultMessageProducer(ctx context.Context, msg string, level zapcore.Level, code codes.Code, err error, duration zapcore.Field) {
	// re-extract logger from newCtx, as it may have extra fields that changed in the holder.
	ctxzap.Extract(ctx).Check(level, msg).Write(
		zap.String("grpc.code", code.String()),

// Extract 实现
// Extract takes the call-scoped Logger from grpc_zap middleware.
// It always returns a Logger that has all the grpc_ctxtags updated.
func Extract(ctx context.Context) *zap.Logger {
	l, ok := ctx.Value(ctxMarkerKey).(*ctxLogger)
	if !ok || l == nil {
		return nullLogger
	// Add grpc_ctxtags tags metadata until now.
	fields := TagsToFields(ctx)
	// Add zap fields added until now.
	fields = append(fields, l.fields...)
	return l.logger.With(fields...)

//TagsToFields 实现
// TagsToFields transforms the Tags on the supplied context into zap fields.
func TagsToFields(ctx context.Context) []zapcore.Field {
	fields := []zapcore.Field{}
	tags := grpc_ctxtags.Extract(ctx)
	for k, v := range tags.Values() {
		fields = append(fields, zap.Any(k, v))
	return fields

选项中还提供了 codeFunc grpc_logging.ErrorToCode 选项,用于将错误转为 codes.Code,默认实现为 grpc_logging.DefaultErrorToCode

import (

// ErrorToCode function determines the error code of an error
// This makes using custom errors with grpc middleware easier
type ErrorToCode func(err error) codes.Code

func DefaultErrorToCode(err error) codes.Code {
	return status.Code(err)

此外,还提供了 DefaultCodeToLevelDefaultClientCodeToLevel 方法,用于将 转为 zap 的输出的日志 level

func DefaultCodeToLevel(code codes.Code) zapcore.Level {
	switch code {
	case codes.OK:
		return zap.InfoLevel
	case codes.Canceled:
		return zap.InfoLevel
	case codes.Unknown:
		return zap.ErrorLevel
	case codes.InvalidArgument:
		return zap.InfoLevel
	case codes.DeadlineExceeded:
		return zap.WarnLevel
	case codes.NotFound:
		return zap.InfoLevel
	case codes.AlreadyExists:
		return zap.InfoLevel
	case codes.PermissionDenied:
		return zap.WarnLevel
	case codes.Unauthenticated:
		return zap.InfoLevel // unauthenticated requests can happen
	case codes.ResourceExhausted:
		return zap.WarnLevel
	case codes.FailedPrecondition:
		return zap.WarnLevel
	case codes.Aborted:
		return zap.WarnLevel
	case codes.OutOfRange:
		return zap.WarnLevel
	case codes.Unimplemented:
		return zap.ErrorLevel
	case codes.Internal:
		return zap.ErrorLevel
	case codes.Unavailable:
		return zap.WarnLevel
	case codes.DataLoss:
		return zap.ErrorLevel
		return zap.ErrorLevel

func DefaultClientCodeToLevel(code codes.Code) zapcore.Level {
	switch code {
	case codes.OK:
		return zap.DebugLevel
	case codes.Canceled:
		return zap.DebugLevel
	case codes.Unknown:
		return zap.InfoLevel
	case codes.InvalidArgument:
		return zap.DebugLevel
	case codes.DeadlineExceeded:
		return zap.InfoLevel
	case codes.NotFound:
		return zap.DebugLevel
	case codes.AlreadyExists:
		return zap.DebugLevel
	case codes.PermissionDenied:
		return zap.InfoLevel
	case codes.Unauthenticated:
		return zap.InfoLevel // unauthenticated requests can happen
	case codes.ResourceExhausted:
		return zap.DebugLevel
	case codes.FailedPrecondition:
		return zap.DebugLevel
	case codes.Aborted:
		return zap.DebugLevel
	case codes.OutOfRange:
		return zap.DebugLevel
	case codes.Unimplemented:
		return zap.WarnLevel
	case codes.Internal:
		return zap.WarnLevel
	case codes.Unavailable:
		return zap.WarnLevel
	case codes.DataLoss:
		return zap.WarnLevel
		return zap.InfoLevel


使用了 Zap 拦截器的输出如下,示例代码 在此

	"level": "info",
	"ts": "2020-10-15T09:05:17.877Z",
	"caller": "zap/server_interceptors.go:39",
	"msg": "finished unary call with code OK",
	"grpc.start_time": "2020-10-15T09:05:17Z",
	"system": "grpc",
	"span.kind": "server",
	"grpc.service": "proto.GreeterService",
	"grpc.method": "SayHello",
	"grpc.code": "OK",
	"grpc.duration": 0.000384034

0x04 封装Zap增加TraceId

0x05 日志染色




0x06 关于日志的一些优化细节

如何在高并发的实时系统中优化日志写入呢?在笔者之前的 DPDK 网络包处理项目中,总结了这几条经验:

  1. 线程将待落地日志结构化(标识日志类型、等级、内容等)写入 RingBuffer,读端从 RingBuffer 中取出日志,落地写入
  2. 单线程写日志
  3. 在 Golang 中,利用 单独的 goroutine 异步写日志
  4. 打印 GoroutineId 对性能产生较大的影响,打印函数行号对性能有一定的影响

0x07 参考

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